Settled Objects is the portfolio of Noah Miller

I’m a graphic designer/typographer living in Brooklyn, New York. I currently work as a RIA interface designer for the Weill Cornell Medical College Department of Research and on a freelance basis for various other clients.

I hold a BFA from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design where I studied typography, publication design, propaganda design, furniture design, and design and typographic history.

I'll let my work speak for itself, but in order to provide a bit more context I'd like to make a couple of notes. My interest in design isn’t medium-specific, but there are some common currents throughout my work. I believe strongly in a well-researched, reader/user-centered design born out of a mutual respect and acknowledgment between client, audience, and maker. I think design is more than just window dressing. And I think it’s important not to design for evil.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my work.